Monday, February 28, 2011


Yep, I'm 23 weeks and 5 days pregnant! According to "The Bump" you are roughly the size of a papaya. We found out several weeks ago that you are a boy! And at the ultrasound they guessed you were about a pound in weight. Ahh! I felt you move for the first time on Valentine's Day. I was standing at clinical at Covenant and leaning my belly against this fold-down table thing and I couldn't figure out what the heck it was. Then, it dawned on me! I don't even know how to describe the first time I felt it. Since then, I have been able to feel you with increased intensity. Usually I feel it a lot midmorning and later at night. Your dad was able to feel you move from outside my tummy on 2/25 I believe it was. Sometimes when I feel you move I feel like I am getting seasick. It feels like my stomach is flip-flopping. It is the weirdest thing. All in all, I love being pregnant with you. I love when I forget and then you start to move and for a second I freak out until I remember it's just my baby boy wiggling around in there.

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