You are a whole half a year old today honey! Your mama can't believe it!
You met Santa for the first time on 12/15/11.
We just had your first Christmas. Halley got you a hammer rattle, a tub o' toys, an alligator teether, and 2 beanie baby things. Santa gave you your first Christmas ornament, a book, and some sippy cups. Gramma/Aunt Mary Ann gave you a book and a cool little tunnel/tent thing. Dad and I gave you some clothes and a toy piano.
You started getting up on your hands and knees around 12/17/11, and now can scoot backwards on you hands and knees. Today you started army crawling forward, and are so quick at it!
We started giving you oatmeal cereal mixed with breastmilk on 12/10/11, but didn't start giving you it every day until last week. You spat it out-a lot!- until a couple days ago as well. I gave you sweet potatoes twice and half a banana once. You smushed the banana up more than anything, but did lick it a couple times. The sweet potatoes you were not a fan of until today.
You can sit up unsupported still, but still prefer to be on your tummy.
You are so smiley and happy almost all of the time. Such a pleasant baby.
You are trying to stay up later and wake up in the middle of the night the past couple of days as well. I don't know if you're having a growth spurt or if being at Grandma's had anything to do with it. You usually go to bed around 8, wake up by midnight, then wake up either once more or twice more. You wake up for the day at around 8 or 9.
You are becoming more and more dextrous every day. Mama did not even realize how much control you now have over your fingers.
You can still fit in some 3-6 month clothes and are starting to move into 6-9 month stuff.
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