I am a mother to my wonderful baby boy, a stepmom to big sis, a future wife, and a nurse.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Crabby shark
Trick or treating last night was... something. We dressed Max up as a shark, since he still fit in the costume from last year. We drove into town, parked, and decided to try to let him walk with us. He just wanted to run! By himself! Without holding hands! Onto the road!... Yeah, no. AJ took him up to one of the houses, and Max picked up a piece of candy, put it back in the bowl, then took a piece of the candy from his bucket and put that in the bowl, too. It was cute. And then, he tried to run away from us, so I picked him up. And he screamed. And screamed. Then we decided to go home. As we were walking back to the car, he screamed the whole time. Like 10 minutes of screaming and bucking while we carried him. AJ thought maybe his costume was bugging him, so I set him down to try to adjust it. Well, the second I set him down he stopped crying and started running. So... we strapped him in his carseat and booked it home with him still screaming in the back seat. It was the worst fit he has ever thrown. Fast forward to tonight when I was playing with him before bed. I noticed a little white speck towards the back of his mouth. I thought maybe he was chewing on something, but lo and behold... he got his 7th shark tooth! It was the 1st molar on the top right.
Friday, October 5, 2012
6th tooth!
We noticed Max's 6th tooth 2 days ago! It's on top, to the left of the middle two.
Also, I've been trying to work with him about saying "please" when he wants something. He is getting the hang of it! He will say please when we tell him to when he starts whining. I am hoping that he learns that "please" is a good alternative to whining!
Also, I've been trying to work with him about saying "please" when he wants something. He is getting the hang of it! He will say please when we tell him to when he starts whining. I am hoping that he learns that "please" is a good alternative to whining!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
15 months
Words: shoes (just started that today!), mama, dada, book, ball, bear, baby, boat, bowl, hi, and sometimes will say something like "Halley" when we ask you to. You have yet to say it without prompting, though.
Sleep: usually 8-6. You are not one for sleeping in. You are in between 1-2 naps.
Teeth: still 5 (top 2, bottom 3). You're getting better about letting me brush your teeth.
Eating: you will generally eat anything we put in front of you. We do need to work on utensil use, but I'm in no hurry! You have slowed down on your weight gain again, so we do need to up your calorie count more.
Reading: you still love your books! Grammy brought a whole bunch of books that were mine when I was little. As we go through them, it is apparent which books you enjoy and which ones you don't. If it's a book you don't like, you will push it closed after about the first page. Your favorite book right now is The Hair Book by Dr. Seuss. You bring it to us, and if we do not take it right away, you'll throw it at us. When we read your counting books, we point to each number. Now when we do this, if I don't point, you will use my finger to point at each number.
We have a magna-doodle (or doodle pro? not sure what the exact name is anymore) and you will "write" on it.
Potty: We usually set you on the potty about once a day, and you usually will go pee on it! This has created a whole new awareness of your penis. If we don't have a onesie or one piece jammies on you, you will have your hand in your diaper or pull your penis out of your diaper. One morning, I came into your room to find that you standing up with you holding your penis (outside of your diaper) and you had peed all over your crib! Ahhh the joys! :)
New actions: you started "jumping!" A couple weeks ago, I was lifting you up and down, and I said, "you're jumping!" After that, you'll walk around, stop, then stand up on your tippy toes! You'll also do it if we say "jump." You're so proud of yourself!
When Grammy was here, you started having a bigger interest in pop/water bottles. You will unscrew the cap, then screw it back on. You get upset if you screw it on too tight to where you can't loosen it again.
Something you've been doing for a while now (much to your mother's displeasure) is going into your room and pulling every. single. item. of clothing out of your drawers.
The cutest thing: you will get your bear that Halley gave you or my old teddy bear and will hug the bear! Then you will bring the bear to me to hug, then you hug me and the bear. You are such a little lover boy. You will also get one of your sister's baby dolls and hug the baby or bring the "baybaybaybayby" to me.
You have been really into your blocks the past couple weeks, and now will put them into the right shaped holes! You will spend at least 15 minutes at a time doing this.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
NurseMom gets healthy(ier)
Ughhhh the scale. That damned scale. In April of this year, I bought a scale and weighed myself. The blaring red numbers showed 250. Two hundred fifty pounds. The last time I had weighed myself was fall 2011, a couple months after Max was born, and I was at approximately 236.
In my defense, in the last year I had given birth, said goodbye to 2 of my grandparents, had the 5 year anniversary of my dad's death, lost my job of 3 years, and moved across the state.
Today, I am at 237. Last week I was at 235, but I had a bad weekend of bad food and no exercise. It has taken me 5 months to lose 13 pounds. It's better than nothing, I suppose, but definitely not what I had hoped. I have been slowly trying to change habits, and it does seem to be working.
Goals for this week:
1. No eating after 7pm. I had been doing well the past couple months, but the last week I have been snacking late night.
2. Go for a jalk(jog/walk) or bike ride 5 days per week. Sunday, yesterday, and today I have jalked. Yesterday's was pretty short, so I tried to make up for it today.
3. Limit soda to 2 per day. I have been failing at this. Bad.
4. No eating out. Since we moved, we really only eat out or get fast food once every couple of weeks. Except when I'm at work and am really wanting Sub.way. I need to break that habit. I've limited it to once a week or so, but my belt and wallet would do better if I just skipped it. The sandwich itself isn't what gets me, but I always get cookies. They call to me!
A reasonable set of goals, I think. I will check in this weekend to update on how I did.
In my defense, in the last year I had given birth, said goodbye to 2 of my grandparents, had the 5 year anniversary of my dad's death, lost my job of 3 years, and moved across the state.
Today, I am at 237. Last week I was at 235, but I had a bad weekend of bad food and no exercise. It has taken me 5 months to lose 13 pounds. It's better than nothing, I suppose, but definitely not what I had hoped. I have been slowly trying to change habits, and it does seem to be working.
Goals for this week:
1. No eating after 7pm. I had been doing well the past couple months, but the last week I have been snacking late night.
2. Go for a jalk(jog/walk) or bike ride 5 days per week. Sunday, yesterday, and today I have jalked. Yesterday's was pretty short, so I tried to make up for it today.
3. Limit soda to 2 per day. I have been failing at this. Bad.
4. No eating out. Since we moved, we really only eat out or get fast food once every couple of weeks. Except when I'm at work and am really wanting Sub.way. I need to break that habit. I've limited it to once a week or so, but my belt and wallet would do better if I just skipped it. The sandwich itself isn't what gets me, but I always get cookies. They call to me!
A reasonable set of goals, I think. I will check in this weekend to update on how I did.
Monday, August 27, 2012
14 months
You are 14 months old today! It's crazy how much you have developed into your own little person.
You say ball, book, bear, hi, mama, dada, "bum" (for bumblebee). You repeat some things when we ask you to, and you've even said something like "Halley" when we asked you to this weekend!
You are a full time walker, and have been for over a month. Just a couple days ago you started spinning! It is so cute. You'll be walking and all of a sudden you'll just pivot. So funny. You also are very into dancing, which consists of some combination of stomping your feet, shaking your arms, and swinging your head around. I love it.
You are great at giving hugs now, too!
When you are asked, "how big are you?" You put both arms straight up in the air and we say, "so big!" Grammy taught you that when you visited her last month.
You know which button turns dad's Xbox on, and you have for at least a couple months now.
You sleep from 8 or a little after to 6-7 now and it's so wonderful! You even slept well when you and I went to Auntie Mallory's house last week. You don't fall asleep very well (if at all) if not in your bed, though. When you were sick 2 weeks ago, we brought you in to our bed and you won't settle down, really. You climbed on us and kept pretty much scooching around.
You can point to your ears, our ears, nose and mouth, and can show your tongue when asked. If you're sitting on one of our laps, usually you will just start touching one ear, then the other, then nose, mouth and eyes. You're so smart! (I will shamelessly brag about you lol).
You love love love books. Every night at around 7, you go over and start looking at your books. Then you bring one over to me, and if I'm sitting on the ground, proceed to turn around and plop down in my lap. It melts my heart, and I love that you seem to enjoy books as much as I do.
You still have just the 5 teeth. Top middle 2, bottom middle 2, and the 1 next to the middle bottoms on your left.
You're coming in at about 20.6 lbs according to our home scale. We need to make a doctor's appointment for next month to have you weighed again.
You eat anything and everything we put in front of you. You've been liking cut up grapes a lot recently.
We went swimming last month and you really enjoyed it this time! You wanted to walk around in the water, or have us hold you up so you could kick your feet! You were so proud of your "swimming."
All in all, I can't even begin to express how much I enjoy being your mother. You are such a blessing. I love to sneak into your room when you're sleeping to steal you from your crib and rock you. You are such a lovey boy. I never imagined that I would like this age so much more than I adored the newborn/little baby stage. Just thinking about you growing up makes my heart ache. You will always, always be my baby, though, no matter how toddler/big boy/teenager/adult-ish you become!
You say ball, book, bear, hi, mama, dada, "bum" (for bumblebee). You repeat some things when we ask you to, and you've even said something like "Halley" when we asked you to this weekend!
You are a full time walker, and have been for over a month. Just a couple days ago you started spinning! It is so cute. You'll be walking and all of a sudden you'll just pivot. So funny. You also are very into dancing, which consists of some combination of stomping your feet, shaking your arms, and swinging your head around. I love it.
You are great at giving hugs now, too!
When you are asked, "how big are you?" You put both arms straight up in the air and we say, "so big!" Grammy taught you that when you visited her last month.
You know which button turns dad's Xbox on, and you have for at least a couple months now.
You sleep from 8 or a little after to 6-7 now and it's so wonderful! You even slept well when you and I went to Auntie Mallory's house last week. You don't fall asleep very well (if at all) if not in your bed, though. When you were sick 2 weeks ago, we brought you in to our bed and you won't settle down, really. You climbed on us and kept pretty much scooching around.
You can point to your ears, our ears, nose and mouth, and can show your tongue when asked. If you're sitting on one of our laps, usually you will just start touching one ear, then the other, then nose, mouth and eyes. You're so smart! (I will shamelessly brag about you lol).
You love love love books. Every night at around 7, you go over and start looking at your books. Then you bring one over to me, and if I'm sitting on the ground, proceed to turn around and plop down in my lap. It melts my heart, and I love that you seem to enjoy books as much as I do.
You still have just the 5 teeth. Top middle 2, bottom middle 2, and the 1 next to the middle bottoms on your left.
You're coming in at about 20.6 lbs according to our home scale. We need to make a doctor's appointment for next month to have you weighed again.
You eat anything and everything we put in front of you. You've been liking cut up grapes a lot recently.
We went swimming last month and you really enjoyed it this time! You wanted to walk around in the water, or have us hold you up so you could kick your feet! You were so proud of your "swimming."
All in all, I can't even begin to express how much I enjoy being your mother. You are such a blessing. I love to sneak into your room when you're sleeping to steal you from your crib and rock you. You are such a lovey boy. I never imagined that I would like this age so much more than I adored the newborn/little baby stage. Just thinking about you growing up makes my heart ache. You will always, always be my baby, though, no matter how toddler/big boy/teenager/adult-ish you become!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Wordless Wednesday
Max went pee in his potty last night!!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
We've been a little under the weather around this household. First, about 2-3 weeks ago I felt like I was getting a UTI. Of course, I haven't been at my job too long, so my insurance didn't kick in until July 1. I decided to just try drink bucketloads of water and cranberry juice and take over the counter Azo. This seemed to help and for a few days I thought I had flushed it out. Then, on Monday the 2nd, I started getting a backache at work. It got progressively worse over the day, and my head started hurting as well. On Tuesday the 3rd I woke up with the worst headache, back ache, and nausea I've had in a long time. I cried. That's how bad it hurt. I went through 28 hours of unmedicated labor last year without crying, and I cried. I decided it was time to go to the Urgent Care. I get 3 minutes down the road, and have to pull over and throw up. 20 minutes later, I show up at UC, tell them I have a UTI, and have to give a urine sample. I then wait 45 minutes for the doctor to come in to tell me what I already know... I have a UTI. He gives me a prescription for Bactrim and sends me on my way. I feel much better by the time I get home, thank god.
I was in normal-feeling bliss until Saturday the 7th, when I woke up with a sore throat. I don't think too much of it, until Sunday the 8th, when I wake up with really itchy hands and feet. I could no longer eat/drink anything that wasn't soft. Then, Monday, I have this red, spotty rash on my hands and feet. My fingertips looked like someone pinpricked each one about 20 times. I decide it's liveable, so I don't go back to the doctor. When I talked to my BFF, who is also a nurse, on the phone on Thursday, I mentioned my symptoms. She "diagnosed" me with hand, foot, and mouth. WTF? Seriously? I had thought only kids got it, but apparently her brother-in-law just got over it. My sore throat and rash have gone away, but my hands are still super dry and my skin feels tight.
Then, AJ called me on my way home from work yesterday to say that Max had been crying a lot all day. He had noticed a diaper rash and thought that was the cause. I started worrying that I had given whatever I had to him! I got home and looked at his tush, and of course it was red, red, red. Max and I took a nice long bath. I stripped his diaper off, then climbed into the tub by myself. He was standing next to the tub, and all of a sudden he peed all over the rug. He hasn't peed out of his diaper since he was probably 2 months old. I laughed so hard, and I think he was proud of himself because he smiled ear to ear. After getting out of the bath, getting lotioned and creamed, and reading stories with mama he seemed to be feeling better.
We haven't had a breakout of sickness of this magnitude round these parts... ever, I think. I'm so glad we are back to full force.
I was in normal-feeling bliss until Saturday the 7th, when I woke up with a sore throat. I don't think too much of it, until Sunday the 8th, when I wake up with really itchy hands and feet. I could no longer eat/drink anything that wasn't soft. Then, Monday, I have this red, spotty rash on my hands and feet. My fingertips looked like someone pinpricked each one about 20 times. I decide it's liveable, so I don't go back to the doctor. When I talked to my BFF, who is also a nurse, on the phone on Thursday, I mentioned my symptoms. She "diagnosed" me with hand, foot, and mouth. WTF? Seriously? I had thought only kids got it, but apparently her brother-in-law just got over it. My sore throat and rash have gone away, but my hands are still super dry and my skin feels tight.
Then, AJ called me on my way home from work yesterday to say that Max had been crying a lot all day. He had noticed a diaper rash and thought that was the cause. I started worrying that I had given whatever I had to him! I got home and looked at his tush, and of course it was red, red, red. Max and I took a nice long bath. I stripped his diaper off, then climbed into the tub by myself. He was standing next to the tub, and all of a sudden he peed all over the rug. He hasn't peed out of his diaper since he was probably 2 months old. I laughed so hard, and I think he was proud of himself because he smiled ear to ear. After getting out of the bath, getting lotioned and creamed, and reading stories with mama he seemed to be feeling better.
We haven't had a breakout of sickness of this magnitude round these parts... ever, I think. I'm so glad we are back to full force.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Family Time/Visitors from Alaska
On June 29, AJ's brother Travis and wife Micah flew in from Alaska. We hung out with them quite a bit while they were here. Halley enjoyed Uncle Travis teasing her, and Aunt Micah's attention and game playing. We think Uncle Travis taught Max how to play peek-a-boo with just his hands, because he didn't know whether to cover his own face or Max's face. We spent a lot of time at Paula's (my mother-in-law) house, since that's where they stayed. Bella has a new obsession with "baby Max" and kept trying to hug him and smother him pretty much, haha. Then, towards the end of the week, she got mad that he was playing with her toys and kept taking them from him. So funny. I got to know Travis and Micah pretty well, I think, for having never met them before. They said we need to take a trip to Alaska soon. I don't know about that... I would sometime like to go there, but there are so many other places I want to go before there.
Travis, Micah, Darren, Paula, Bella, AJ, Halley, Max, and I went out for dinner the first day |
She wanted to be by him so bad! haha |
Oldest brother and youngest brother |
Travis, Micah, and Halley |
End of the week, Max and Bella getting more okay with each other |
Monday, July 9, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
12 months
You are now walking at home about 90% of the time, but still crawling mostly when outside or somewhere else. You also can now stand up from sitting without pulling up!
You still love playing peek-a-boo.
Now you can use my or daddy's finger and point to our noses and mouths and to your nose and mouth. You also stick out your tongue when asked.
You definitely know what "No" means and hate to hear it.
You say the words mama, dada, ball, and book regularly. Also, this past week you've said something that sounds like b!tch a couple times, and I think you're trying to say "Prince" (the cat's name). I think. Haha. But the first two times I heard it, Prince was walking toward you.
Speaking of Prince, you still love him and always smile at him.
You also love your sister, a whole lot. She's been here most of the summer so far, and you've definitely enjoyed it. She does all sorts of crazy jumping around and always makes you laugh.
You still love books and always are bringing one to Mama or Dada.
Recently, you've become very interested in your shape blocks and can sometimes put them in the right holes.
You are definitely shy around strangers. You'll put your head on mama or dad's shoulder if someone you don't know is close or tries to talk to you.
You give kisses when we ask for them! They are open-mouthed and slobbery, but so cute! You've also been giving hugs a lot lately.
Another "fun" thing you've been doing is taking all the clothes out of your drawers. Whenever you go to your room you'll drag more of them out.
On your birthday, we noticed that you got your 5th tooth! It's the bottom one that's to the left of the middle. You have bumps on the top on either side of the middle as well, and you've been drooling A LOT the past couple days.
You usually sleep from 8-5 or 6ish and sometimes will go back to sleep until 7 or 8. Then, you still take 2 naps during the day, and the first one can be up to 3 hours at around 9. Usually the second nap is around 3 for an hour or so.
You finally will hold your cup by yourself again. When you were like 6 months old you would hold them just fine, but for the past month or two you decided you needed someone to hold it for you. Finally, you've gotten the hang of it again.
You've been completely off bottles for a couple months now, and we weaned last month. You switched to formula like a champ, and the doctor wants you to continue getting formula for a couple months yet.
You still love playing peek-a-boo.
Now you can use my or daddy's finger and point to our noses and mouths and to your nose and mouth. You also stick out your tongue when asked.
You definitely know what "No" means and hate to hear it.
You say the words mama, dada, ball, and book regularly. Also, this past week you've said something that sounds like b!tch a couple times, and I think you're trying to say "Prince" (the cat's name). I think. Haha. But the first two times I heard it, Prince was walking toward you.
Speaking of Prince, you still love him and always smile at him.
You also love your sister, a whole lot. She's been here most of the summer so far, and you've definitely enjoyed it. She does all sorts of crazy jumping around and always makes you laugh.
You still love books and always are bringing one to Mama or Dada.
Recently, you've become very interested in your shape blocks and can sometimes put them in the right holes.
You are definitely shy around strangers. You'll put your head on mama or dad's shoulder if someone you don't know is close or tries to talk to you.
You give kisses when we ask for them! They are open-mouthed and slobbery, but so cute! You've also been giving hugs a lot lately.
Another "fun" thing you've been doing is taking all the clothes out of your drawers. Whenever you go to your room you'll drag more of them out.
On your birthday, we noticed that you got your 5th tooth! It's the bottom one that's to the left of the middle. You have bumps on the top on either side of the middle as well, and you've been drooling A LOT the past couple days.
You usually sleep from 8-5 or 6ish and sometimes will go back to sleep until 7 or 8. Then, you still take 2 naps during the day, and the first one can be up to 3 hours at around 9. Usually the second nap is around 3 for an hour or so.
You finally will hold your cup by yourself again. When you were like 6 months old you would hold them just fine, but for the past month or two you decided you needed someone to hold it for you. Finally, you've gotten the hang of it again.
You've been completely off bottles for a couple months now, and we weaned last month. You switched to formula like a champ, and the doctor wants you to continue getting formula for a couple months yet.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
One year stats
Birth (6/27/11): 9 pounds 0.4 ounces, 21 1/4 inches, 14 1/4 inch head
1 day old (6/28): 8 pounds 10.8 ounces
2 days old (6/29): 8 pounds 5 ounces
3 days old (6/30): 8 pounds 6 1/4 ounces, 20 3/4 inches
2 weeks 1 day (7/12): 9 pounds 1 1/2 ounces, 21 1/4 inches
2 months (9w4d on 9/2): 11 pounds 14 ounces (50%), 23 5/8 inches (75%), 15 3/4 inch head circumference (40%)
4 months (11/1): 14 pounds 3/4 ounces (30%), 25 inches (50%), 16 inch head circumference (40%)
6 months (1/3/12): 15 pounds 1 1/3 ounces, 25 3/4 inches
9 months (4/4/12): 16 pounds 4 1/2 ounces (2%), 28 inches (39%), 17 3/4 inch head circumference (37%)
12 months (6/29/12): 19 pounds 0.5 ounces (15%), 29 inches (28%), 46.5 cm head circumference (61%)
1 day old (6/28): 8 pounds 10.8 ounces
2 days old (6/29): 8 pounds 5 ounces
3 days old (6/30): 8 pounds 6 1/4 ounces, 20 3/4 inches
2 weeks 1 day (7/12): 9 pounds 1 1/2 ounces, 21 1/4 inches
2 months (9w4d on 9/2): 11 pounds 14 ounces (50%), 23 5/8 inches (75%), 15 3/4 inch head circumference (40%)
4 months (11/1): 14 pounds 3/4 ounces (30%), 25 inches (50%), 16 inch head circumference (40%)
6 months (1/3/12): 15 pounds 1 1/3 ounces, 25 3/4 inches
9 months (4/4/12): 16 pounds 4 1/2 ounces (2%), 28 inches (39%), 17 3/4 inch head circumference (37%)
12 months (6/29/12): 19 pounds 0.5 ounces (15%), 29 inches (28%), 46.5 cm head circumference (61%)
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
He turns 1 tomorrow
...and I have no idea how. I was thinking about how my little Maximilian came to be in this world, and I have no idea how we got so lucky. I had a relatively easy pregnancy; I probably only got physically sick 10 times or so. I remember driving to the Dollar Tree to buy a pregnancy test at 10pm because I was starting to feel yucky, going home and watching a couple episodes of Nip/Tuck with AJ.. then at like 2am taking a pregnancy test and being in complete shock. I mean, SHOCK. We had been trying for 4-5 months, but I was starting to think it wouldn't happen. I remember when I first felt him move in my tummy on Valentine's day. I remember seeing him via ultrasound go from a shrimp-looking alien, to a little gummy bear, to a black and white 2 dimensional picture of my baby that I was so anxious to actually SEE him. When the ultrasound tech told us that he had hair at his like 36 week ultrasound, I was in awe. I guess I knew that some babies had hair, but I hadn't thought about what my baby's hair growth would be. Black? Brown? Blonde? It was dark brown when he was born, but now it is more strawberry blonde. His eyes went from ruddy and cross eyed (but damned cute!) dark blue to a lively, lighter blue. He is now walking most of the time. I don't know how or why my mind can't save all the little things that he's done, but he keeps on going to bigger, better things. I remember the first time I breastfed him in the hospital, when all he needed was me. I took for granted when he just needed and wanted me 24/7. Now I wish he needed me more, wish I could sit all day just holding him like I did then. I want to be the only ones awake at 5:30 in the morning, both of us half asleep in the recliner in the living room watching Country Girl and Homeboy videos on the CMT Top 20 Video Countdown. I was so frazzled then, catching an hour of sleep at a time. Now my big ol' one year old usually sleeps at least from 8:30-5 or 6 straight. He has changed so much, both in appearance and personality. He can say ball, book, mama, and dada. His words just erupted the past couple weeks. He still loves reading books. I hope he will always love books. He can also point to eyes, mouth, nose, ears, and stick his tongue out when you ask him to. I am just so sad, because if the past year has gone this fast, this next year will go just as fast. And before I know he'll start kindergarten, then he'll be learning to drive, then graduating from college, then getting married and having a little one of his own. My heart hurts thinking about it. I am so excited for these things, but I just want to live all these experiences with him a little more slowly. I'm sure I've already forgotten a lot of little things that he's done. I just want to fully enjoy every minute. I want to be able to hit pause when he lays his little head on my shoulder, or gives me a kiss when I ask him to. I will love my son as long as I'm alive; he will always be my baby.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
We Weaned
We weaned! It was the right time for us since Max really only wanted to nurse when I got home from work and at night. Plus, since I started working again, I remembered how much I HATED pumping. Especially since I just started a new job and pumping while eating lunch was just not something I wanted to do anymore.
We took Max for a weight check since he hadn't been gaining enough. AJ and I decided previously that if he had gained a sufficient amount we would wean. I knew I wasn't really producing much during the day anyway since at the beginning of April I was with my grandpa for 2 days and barely pumped anything.
On Friday, May 25 we began the weaning process. I went camping with some friends and decided to only take my manual pump along in case I became too engorged. It turns out I did need to pump, and people I don't know too well kept looking at me weird because I absentmindedly kept massaging my boobs. Full boobs hurt! I came home on the 27th and was still pretty engorged even though I had been pumping every 8 hours or so to take the edge off. Max really wanted to nurse and I was still hurting so we did. I wasn't quite ready to not do it anymore, and actually getting kind of emotional about it. I kept nursing him when I got home from work, but we started giving him a sippy of breastmilk when he woke up at night and formula during the day when I was at work. The last time we nursed was Thursday, May 31 when I got home from work. It was bittersweet, but I wasn't as sad as I thought I would be. Actually, when we started giving him sippies at night instead of breastfeeding, Max went from waking up at least twice at night and ending up in bed with us, to once a night, and now 2 weeks later he usually sleeps from 8 or 9 to 5ish. It is amazing!!!! Plus, since AJ can feed him at night now, if he wakes up we take turns.
The transition went really well. It was better than I ever imagined. The only time he wanted to that I didn't was the next night I got home from work, and then I just distracted him and gave him a sippy. I am glad that we decided to wean then. We were both pretty ready, and I was getting anxious to have my body back, and maybe a bit more sleep. I was still leaking until a couple days ago, though, but I am hoping that is finally done.
My baby boy is not so much of a baby anymore! He has been walking across the room for a few days now, but not full time walking just yet. Before I know it I'm sure he'll be 28 with a little one on the way and I'll be butting into my daughter-in-laws plans to breastfeed! Oh, sigh of happiness.
We took Max for a weight check since he hadn't been gaining enough. AJ and I decided previously that if he had gained a sufficient amount we would wean. I knew I wasn't really producing much during the day anyway since at the beginning of April I was with my grandpa for 2 days and barely pumped anything.
On Friday, May 25 we began the weaning process. I went camping with some friends and decided to only take my manual pump along in case I became too engorged. It turns out I did need to pump, and people I don't know too well kept looking at me weird because I absentmindedly kept massaging my boobs. Full boobs hurt! I came home on the 27th and was still pretty engorged even though I had been pumping every 8 hours or so to take the edge off. Max really wanted to nurse and I was still hurting so we did. I wasn't quite ready to not do it anymore, and actually getting kind of emotional about it. I kept nursing him when I got home from work, but we started giving him a sippy of breastmilk when he woke up at night and formula during the day when I was at work. The last time we nursed was Thursday, May 31 when I got home from work. It was bittersweet, but I wasn't as sad as I thought I would be. Actually, when we started giving him sippies at night instead of breastfeeding, Max went from waking up at least twice at night and ending up in bed with us, to once a night, and now 2 weeks later he usually sleeps from 8 or 9 to 5ish. It is amazing!!!! Plus, since AJ can feed him at night now, if he wakes up we take turns.
The transition went really well. It was better than I ever imagined. The only time he wanted to that I didn't was the next night I got home from work, and then I just distracted him and gave him a sippy. I am glad that we decided to wean then. We were both pretty ready, and I was getting anxious to have my body back, and maybe a bit more sleep. I was still leaking until a couple days ago, though, but I am hoping that is finally done.
My baby boy is not so much of a baby anymore! He has been walking across the room for a few days now, but not full time walking just yet. Before I know it I'm sure he'll be 28 with a little one on the way and I'll be butting into my daughter-in-laws plans to breastfeed! Oh, sigh of happiness.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
11 months
Oh Maximilian! 11 months old... Mama's so sad that you are about to become a toddler instead of a baby.
You've been taking 2-3 steps the past couple of days, but only between Mama and Papa. You're still cautious of letting go.
You have been able to wave for a month or two now, I love it. You can also high five!
You love playing peek-a-boo and will hold things in front of your face to hide behind.
You started saying "dada" now. You say a lot of sounds, but a lot of the time you say something that sounds like "book".
On that note, you love books. You will sit in your room by your bookshelf and flip through pages for almost an hour sometimes. You also bring your books to Mama or Papa to read. You're a genius (like your mother)! :)
You now have 4 teeth! Front top and bottom 2. Hopefully we won't have to worry about teething for a little bit.
We're still breastfeeding, but Mama is about ready to be done. I just started my new job as a nurse and I had forgotten how much of a pain pumping is. You're now 18 pounds 2 oz, 28.5 inches. I'll write another post about weaning soon.
You're still waking up probably twice a night, but now you're napping better. Maybe even too well. You take 2 at least one hour naps.
As always, Mama loves you more than anything!
You've been taking 2-3 steps the past couple of days, but only between Mama and Papa. You're still cautious of letting go.
You have been able to wave for a month or two now, I love it. You can also high five!
You love playing peek-a-boo and will hold things in front of your face to hide behind.
You started saying "dada" now. You say a lot of sounds, but a lot of the time you say something that sounds like "book".
On that note, you love books. You will sit in your room by your bookshelf and flip through pages for almost an hour sometimes. You also bring your books to Mama or Papa to read. You're a genius (like your mother)! :)
You now have 4 teeth! Front top and bottom 2. Hopefully we won't have to worry about teething for a little bit.
We're still breastfeeding, but Mama is about ready to be done. I just started my new job as a nurse and I had forgotten how much of a pain pumping is. You're now 18 pounds 2 oz, 28.5 inches. I'll write another post about weaning soon.
You're still waking up probably twice a night, but now you're napping better. Maybe even too well. You take 2 at least one hour naps.
As always, Mama loves you more than anything!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
3rd Tooth!
On 5/8/12, Max got his front bottom left tooth!
He got his second tooth on 4/22/12, his top front right.
His first tooth was on 3/28/12, his bottom front right.
And I'm pretty sure that his top front left is soooo close to popping through, if it is not popped through already. He won't let me look in his mouth.
He got his second tooth on 4/22/12, his top front right.
His first tooth was on 3/28/12, his bottom front right.
And I'm pretty sure that his top front left is soooo close to popping through, if it is not popped through already. He won't let me look in his mouth.
Friday, April 27, 2012
10 months!
Aaaah! Maximilian, you are 10 months old, somehow!
You got your second tooth on 4/22! So now you have your front bottom right and your front top right. Your front left top and bottom look like they'll be popping through soon, as well.
We went on vacation with Grammy and Aunt Mary Ann to visit Aunt Catherine in Texas. I need to write a post about that. We went through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Your naps have been really wonky since returning from said vacation. You dropped the morning nap. We are lucky if you take 2-20 minute naps. You are definitely cranky by bedtime but we don't want you getting up any earlier in the morning. We are not sure what to do. You're also still waking up twice a night. We are hoping at your next appointment you will have gained a lot more so we can take steps to cut down on night time feedings.
Another new thing you've been doing is bringing us things and putting them in our hands if we ask you to. Also, you can now wave! You started doing that on vacation, along with intentionally playing peek-a-boo. And you have started clapping! It's so cute!
You got your second tooth on 4/22! So now you have your front bottom right and your front top right. Your front left top and bottom look like they'll be popping through soon, as well.
We went on vacation with Grammy and Aunt Mary Ann to visit Aunt Catherine in Texas. I need to write a post about that. We went through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.
Your naps have been really wonky since returning from said vacation. You dropped the morning nap. We are lucky if you take 2-20 minute naps. You are definitely cranky by bedtime but we don't want you getting up any earlier in the morning. We are not sure what to do. You're also still waking up twice a night. We are hoping at your next appointment you will have gained a lot more so we can take steps to cut down on night time feedings.
Another new thing you've been doing is bringing us things and putting them in our hands if we ask you to. Also, you can now wave! You started doing that on vacation, along with intentionally playing peek-a-boo. And you have started clapping! It's so cute!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
17 years old=NO nipple rings
When I was 17, I thought I was a bad-ass. I really did. I was a wild child and I'm really surprised that my mother didn't have a heart attack. When I was 17, my 18 year old friend and I had this great idea that we were going to get our nipples pierced. Why? "Well, why not?" we said, "it's not like we're ever going to breastfeed, anyway." Unfortunately, in my state you have to be at least 18 or have a parent's permission to have your nipples pierced in a piercing parlor. Thank GOD!
I got my first not-ear piercing when I was 15. My mom went with me to get my nose pierced. This is the only piercing that still survives, even though I rarely still wear a stud. Then, when I was 16 I got my belly button pierced. Man, I was SO dumb when I was a teenager. I haven't worn a ring in that since I was 18, and I hate the scar that I still have from it. Lastly on my piercing adventure was the near-nipple. Even though it is possible to BF after having nipple rings, I am just glad in general that I didn't do it.
I also have 2 tattoos. My first, a shooting star, I got when I was 16. I still favor it over the other, a red rose that I got when I was 17, after my dad died. I like the meaning behind it, I just wish I would've waited a bit longer to better hash out what I wanted. It is bigger than I would like, and it's pretty dark. I have a feeling the colors are going to mesh together as I age. If I ever get another tattoo, it would be for my kids, if I could think of something I like.
If the boy or big sis end up wanting to modify their bodies, I will tell them my experiences. I will be okay with piercings if they are something that will grow closed eventually. I don't really like gauged ears (do they grow back closed if you get tired of them?). I will request that they don't tattoo themselves until they're at least 21, but I definitely won't take them before they're 18. I just want them to be absolutely sure that they will stay obsessed Mickey Mouse for the rest of their life before they get a sleeve of him.
Anyway, I wrote this post as a part of the Breastfeeding Blog Hop; you should check out the other participants' posts!
I got my first not-ear piercing when I was 15. My mom went with me to get my nose pierced. This is the only piercing that still survives, even though I rarely still wear a stud. Then, when I was 16 I got my belly button pierced. Man, I was SO dumb when I was a teenager. I haven't worn a ring in that since I was 18, and I hate the scar that I still have from it. Lastly on my piercing adventure was the near-nipple. Even though it is possible to BF after having nipple rings, I am just glad in general that I didn't do it.
I also have 2 tattoos. My first, a shooting star, I got when I was 16. I still favor it over the other, a red rose that I got when I was 17, after my dad died. I like the meaning behind it, I just wish I would've waited a bit longer to better hash out what I wanted. It is bigger than I would like, and it's pretty dark. I have a feeling the colors are going to mesh together as I age. If I ever get another tattoo, it would be for my kids, if I could think of something I like.
If the boy or big sis end up wanting to modify their bodies, I will tell them my experiences. I will be okay with piercings if they are something that will grow closed eventually. I don't really like gauged ears (do they grow back closed if you get tired of them?). I will request that they don't tattoo themselves until they're at least 21, but I definitely won't take them before they're 18. I just want them to be absolutely sure that they will stay obsessed Mickey Mouse for the rest of their life before they get a sleeve of him.
Anyway, I wrote this post as a part of the Breastfeeding Blog Hop; you should check out the other participants' posts!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Bug bites and other news
I've been bitten by the baby bug. Oh, no! The boy is not even 10 months old yet and I am starting to fantasize about another baby. Eek! For the first few months after birth, I did not think I would ever want another baby. Then, I started thinking that eventually I would probably want to give the boy a younger sibling. For the past month I have gotten increasingly anxious to have another. I'm not running to the doctor to have my IUD taken out or anything, but I'm dreaming about it.
AJ had said that he was done shortly after the boy was born. However, when we moved (like a month ago) he told me that I didn't need to save all of Max's baby clothes; that we could get more when we get pregnant again. So I think he knows we are going to have another.
I am not quite ready right this minute to get pregnant again. I am trying to lose weight so I will be in better shape, and I mean to work out, eat better, and in general take better care of myself this pregnancy. I do want to have a 3 year or less gap between Max and theoretical sibling, though.
In other news, I have interviewed for 2 LPN jobs, and have a third interview on Friday. For the two so far, #1 is about 35 minutes away, but seems like a good work setting. #2 is only 15 minutes away, but does not seem as welcoming and the interview didn't seem to go as well. I am supposed to hear about #1 by Friday, but #2 said next week they will call 2 people for a second interview. I am pretty sure I will be offered #1, but not nearly so confident in #2. Like AJ said, we can always move. We are renting and in a month-to-month lease so it's not like we're tied down to this town. I am pretty set on taking #1.
After accepting a position, I will have to see what kind of short term disability options and how long I have to wait for health insurance, etc. I am assuming I'd have to wait at least 3 months for insurance and I'd have to have worked there a year when the baby was born for FMLA and short term disability. I pretty much got screwed out of STD at my last job, so I am dead set on getting it this time. I want to be able to take the full 12 weeks off work.
Last time, I had been off birth control for almost 2 years, with 6 months when we were preventing in the middle. I had at least 3 anovulatory cycles, which lasted 86, 81, and 60 days. I had 6 ovulatory cycles while we weren't preventing. 1 with not ideal timing, 2-3 with decent timing, and 2-3 with good timing. I am really hoping that it doesn't take as long this time and my body cooperates better and ovulates more regularly. This is another reason I am trying to work out and eat more healthily.
I am excited to get pregnant, but I want us to finally get married first. Which would be fine... if I fit into my dress. You see, I bought my dress the month before I got pregnant. Like a dummy. So now I also need to slim down in order to fit in my dress in order to get married.
Sorry for the jumble of random thoughts. These have been floating around in my mind for a while now so I just wanted to get them out.
AJ had said that he was done shortly after the boy was born. However, when we moved (like a month ago) he told me that I didn't need to save all of Max's baby clothes; that we could get more when we get pregnant again. So I think he knows we are going to have another.
I am not quite ready right this minute to get pregnant again. I am trying to lose weight so I will be in better shape, and I mean to work out, eat better, and in general take better care of myself this pregnancy. I do want to have a 3 year or less gap between Max and theoretical sibling, though.
In other news, I have interviewed for 2 LPN jobs, and have a third interview on Friday. For the two so far, #1 is about 35 minutes away, but seems like a good work setting. #2 is only 15 minutes away, but does not seem as welcoming and the interview didn't seem to go as well. I am supposed to hear about #1 by Friday, but #2 said next week they will call 2 people for a second interview. I am pretty sure I will be offered #1, but not nearly so confident in #2. Like AJ said, we can always move. We are renting and in a month-to-month lease so it's not like we're tied down to this town. I am pretty set on taking #1.
After accepting a position, I will have to see what kind of short term disability options and how long I have to wait for health insurance, etc. I am assuming I'd have to wait at least 3 months for insurance and I'd have to have worked there a year when the baby was born for FMLA and short term disability. I pretty much got screwed out of STD at my last job, so I am dead set on getting it this time. I want to be able to take the full 12 weeks off work.
Last time, I had been off birth control for almost 2 years, with 6 months when we were preventing in the middle. I had at least 3 anovulatory cycles, which lasted 86, 81, and 60 days. I had 6 ovulatory cycles while we weren't preventing. 1 with not ideal timing, 2-3 with decent timing, and 2-3 with good timing. I am really hoping that it doesn't take as long this time and my body cooperates better and ovulates more regularly. This is another reason I am trying to work out and eat more healthily.
I am excited to get pregnant, but I want us to finally get married first. Which would be fine... if I fit into my dress. You see, I bought my dress the month before I got pregnant. Like a dummy. So now I also need to slim down in order to fit in my dress in order to get married.
Sorry for the jumble of random thoughts. These have been floating around in my mind for a while now so I just wanted to get them out.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Breastfeeding Love
After the first few weeks of breastfeeding the boy, I started to love it. Some of the things I really have come to enjoy are:
- My son and I have a special bond that he can have with no one else. Nothing is more gratifying than the half hour before I lay him down to sleep when we sit in his darkened room and rock. I love how that for mere minutes, he is returned to my little rooting newborn from my wild nearly-toddler.
- I have never spent 1 penny on formula. The only thing I've spent money on is freezer bags; probably under $50.
- I don't have to deal with bottles. I don't have to worry about bringing them when we go out, or mixing them in my zombified state in the middle of the night. It's awesome.
- No matter what the boy is crying about, I know one surefire way to calm him. Enough said.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
9 month stats
Birth (6/27/11): 9 pounds 0.4 ounces, 21 1/4 inches, 14 1/4 inch head
1 day old (6/28): 8 pounds 10.8 ounces
2 days old (6/29): 8 pounds 5 ounces
3 days old (6/30): 8 pounds 6 1/4 ounces, 20 3/4 inches
2 weeks 1 day (7/12): 9 pounds 1 1/2 ounces, 21 1/4 inches
2 months (9w4d on 9/2): 11 pounds 14 ounces (50%), 23 5/8 inches (75%), 15 3/4 inch head circumference (40%)
4 months (11/1): 14 pounds 3/4 ounces (30%), 25 inches (50%), 16 inch head circumference (40%)
6 months (1/3/12): 15 pounds 1 1/3 ounces, 25 3/4 inches
9 months (4/4/12): 16 pounds 4 1/2 ounces (2%), 28 inches (39%), 17 3/4 inch head circumference (37%)
1 day old (6/28): 8 pounds 10.8 ounces
2 days old (6/29): 8 pounds 5 ounces
3 days old (6/30): 8 pounds 6 1/4 ounces, 20 3/4 inches
2 weeks 1 day (7/12): 9 pounds 1 1/2 ounces, 21 1/4 inches
2 months (9w4d on 9/2): 11 pounds 14 ounces (50%), 23 5/8 inches (75%), 15 3/4 inch head circumference (40%)
4 months (11/1): 14 pounds 3/4 ounces (30%), 25 inches (50%), 16 inch head circumference (40%)
6 months (1/3/12): 15 pounds 1 1/3 ounces, 25 3/4 inches
9 months (4/4/12): 16 pounds 4 1/2 ounces (2%), 28 inches (39%), 17 3/4 inch head circumference (37%)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
9 months
Maximilian, you are 9 months old!
This is one day late, but I had to mention that you got your first tooth today! It is the bottom right middle. You seemed very proud of yourself, and really you hadn't acted like your teeth are bothering you too badly.
We are still breastfeeding, but you are very adventurous in trying new solid foods.
Still taking 3 short naps a day usually. The first is about 1.5-2 hours after you wake up, then at 1, then at 4. You still wake up at least twice a night to eat, but you are so skinny that we are not going to take any steps to change that at this point.
You have been cruising around furniture for a few weeks now.
You definitely say "mama" and mean me, and seem to mimic us if we try to get you to say other things.
You love to roll a ball in front of you and then go chase it. It's adorable. You seem to be getting more used to the grass and are more okay with it touching you. You like to swing at the park.
You love cats and dogs and smile at them. You also smile at a lot more strangers.
You moved for the first time! We moved from big city to small town; a big difference. We now live in a much safer, quieter area. You stayed with Grammy and Aunt Mary Ann for a whole weekend while Daddy and I moved all of our things.
You are my little studly muffin and I love you!
This is one day late, but I had to mention that you got your first tooth today! It is the bottom right middle. You seemed very proud of yourself, and really you hadn't acted like your teeth are bothering you too badly.
We are still breastfeeding, but you are very adventurous in trying new solid foods.
Still taking 3 short naps a day usually. The first is about 1.5-2 hours after you wake up, then at 1, then at 4. You still wake up at least twice a night to eat, but you are so skinny that we are not going to take any steps to change that at this point.
You have been cruising around furniture for a few weeks now.
You definitely say "mama" and mean me, and seem to mimic us if we try to get you to say other things.
You love to roll a ball in front of you and then go chase it. It's adorable. You seem to be getting more used to the grass and are more okay with it touching you. You like to swing at the park.
You love cats and dogs and smile at them. You also smile at a lot more strangers.
You moved for the first time! We moved from big city to small town; a big difference. We now live in a much safer, quieter area. You stayed with Grammy and Aunt Mary Ann for a whole weekend while Daddy and I moved all of our things.
You are my little studly muffin and I love you!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Bloghop: Tools for Breastfeeding
Our breastfeeding relationship has changed quite a bit over the past nearly eight and a half months; and, naturally, so have our support tools.
A pillow. A basic, just-pulled-it-out-from-under-my-sleeping-fiancee's-head pillow. I didn't feel the need to spend the money for the Boppy or any other breastfeeding-friendly marketed pillow. And you know what, we did just fine. We used this for probably the first month or two.
Lanolin. Ohhh man, were my nipples sore and cracked the first few weeks.
People you know IRL who breastfeed/have breastfed or you know online that you can ask for advice. I was/am still in a BFing group on FB and I cannot begin to express how relieving it was to just read other women's stories when they were in the same spot as me.
Breastpads. I had an oversupply in the beginning. I leaked all the time, so I had to wear pads in my bra for about 4 months.
A breastpump. I went back to my college classes one week postpartum. I was freakin' insane. I went back to work at 9 weeks postpartum. I spent a LOT of time with my pump. Now, though, I am staying at home so I rarely ever use it.
A hands-free bra to go with your pump. I made one by cutting holes into a sports bra that hooked in the front. It was a lifesaver. Pumping is so much less daunting when you are able to do, well, anything besides pumping while you're pumping.
Freezer bags so you can build up your stash. My favorite bags are the Lansinoh ones.
A nursing sleep bra. I wouldn't need one except that if not enough pressure is my other breast while he's eating, it lets down as well.
Determination, patience, perseverance. I was very determined to breastfeed since before I even was pregnant. My perseverance came through sometime in those first few weeks when I resorted to telling myself, "Just one more feeding." And another. And another. However, my patience has needed the most work. Patience for my milk to come in. Patience for my baby to finish eating when I was utterly exhausted. Patience while I learned how to nurse in public comfortably. Patience while helping my boy to be patient for my milk to let down after he developed something of a nipple confusion. Patience while rebuilding my supply because of this confusion. Patience while my squirmy guy tries to look around the room, play with his toys, laugh at his dad while nursing. I'm always working on becoming more patient.
A pillow. A basic, just-pulled-it-out-from-under-my-sleeping-fiancee's-head pillow. I didn't feel the need to spend the money for the Boppy or any other breastfeeding-friendly marketed pillow. And you know what, we did just fine. We used this for probably the first month or two.
Lanolin. Ohhh man, were my nipples sore and cracked the first few weeks.
People you know IRL who breastfeed/have breastfed or you know online that you can ask for advice. I was/am still in a BFing group on FB and I cannot begin to express how relieving it was to just read other women's stories when they were in the same spot as me.
Breastpads. I had an oversupply in the beginning. I leaked all the time, so I had to wear pads in my bra for about 4 months.
A breastpump. I went back to my college classes one week postpartum. I was freakin' insane. I went back to work at 9 weeks postpartum. I spent a LOT of time with my pump. Now, though, I am staying at home so I rarely ever use it.
A hands-free bra to go with your pump. I made one by cutting holes into a sports bra that hooked in the front. It was a lifesaver. Pumping is so much less daunting when you are able to do, well, anything besides pumping while you're pumping.
Freezer bags so you can build up your stash. My favorite bags are the Lansinoh ones.
A nursing sleep bra. I wouldn't need one except that if not enough pressure is my other breast while he's eating, it lets down as well.
Determination, patience, perseverance. I was very determined to breastfeed since before I even was pregnant. My perseverance came through sometime in those first few weeks when I resorted to telling myself, "Just one more feeding." And another. And another. However, my patience has needed the most work. Patience for my milk to come in. Patience for my baby to finish eating when I was utterly exhausted. Patience while I learned how to nurse in public comfortably. Patience while helping my boy to be patient for my milk to let down after he developed something of a nipple confusion. Patience while rebuilding my supply because of this confusion. Patience while my squirmy guy tries to look around the room, play with his toys, laugh at his dad while nursing. I'm always working on becoming more patient.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Bloghop: Breastfeeding in Public Blooper
Breastfeeding in public was something I was nervous about when the boy was a newborn. I didn't do it much because I was unsure of myself. I just brought a bottle of pumped milk with if we went anywhere. Around 6 weeks of age I started to become more comfortable with it. We began nursing in public with a blanket over the boy, more because I'm nervous that he would pop off. These days, at 8 months, he doesn't really like being covered up anymore so I just have it around just in case.
Really, the only "blooper" I'd say we've had actually happened just yesterday. AJ, the boy, and I had just looked at a place we were interested in renting, about 2 hours away from where we live now. We had just gotten on the highway when the boy began screeching to tell us about his hunger, right as snow was added to the mix of 50+ mph winds.
There was no shoulder on the road, so I turned onto the first gravel road that I saw and pulled to the side. AJ got the boy out of his carseat and handed him to me. No sooner had we started nursing when I see a cop car pull up behind us and turn his lights on. I thought, "Really..." as I unlatched the boy and adjusted my shirt.
AJ said, "No, keep feeding him," but the policeman (who is probably in his mid-20s) was already up to the window.
I roll down my window and AJ jumps right in and says, "We're breastfeeding!"
The cop shifts his eyes sheepishly and says, "Oh, okay. Glad to see you're pulled over and not doing it while driving down the road!"
I say, "Yep, thanks."
Haha it was awesome.
Really, the only "blooper" I'd say we've had actually happened just yesterday. AJ, the boy, and I had just looked at a place we were interested in renting, about 2 hours away from where we live now. We had just gotten on the highway when the boy began screeching to tell us about his hunger, right as snow was added to the mix of 50+ mph winds.
There was no shoulder on the road, so I turned onto the first gravel road that I saw and pulled to the side. AJ got the boy out of his carseat and handed him to me. No sooner had we started nursing when I see a cop car pull up behind us and turn his lights on. I thought, "Really..." as I unlatched the boy and adjusted my shirt.
AJ said, "No, keep feeding him," but the policeman (who is probably in his mid-20s) was already up to the window.
I roll down my window and AJ jumps right in and says, "We're breastfeeding!"
The cop shifts his eyes sheepishly and says, "Oh, okay. Glad to see you're pulled over and not doing it while driving down the road!"
I say, "Yep, thanks."
Haha it was awesome.
Monday, February 27, 2012
8 months!
You are 2/3 of a year old, Maximilian! Mama still loves you more than anything, in case you were wondering.
You had your first haircut today! Your hair in the front went down to your nose
You now can properly crawl, although half the time you still do your army crawl thing. You did it once a couple days ago, but today right after your haircut we set you down and you crawled all over like you'd been doing it forever.
You started pulling yourself up on your first Valentine's Day! More about that here.
Still no teeth...
You eat any food we give you. This month, the new foods you have tried include: chinese noodles, rice, cooked carrots, beets, chicken noodles, pizza crust, mashed potatoes, cooked onion, cooked broccoli (didn't really like that), real peaches (peaches just don't seem to be your fave), hard boiled egg, and cinnamon toast.
Still nursing. You have calmed back down a lot so it is easier to get you to breastfeed for longer.
You wake up around 7:15, take your first nap around 9, second nap around 1, sometimes a short nap at about 5, bed around 8. It seems like you've been waking up during the night more often again. If you have gained quite a bit at your 9 month doctor's appointment, we will probably take steps to get you to sleep more.
You've started vocalizing more. It is sooo cute. You definitely try to tell us things, but we just can't understand you yet.
You've recently taken up head-butting. I'm not sure it's not on purpose. I don't know if it had anything to do with your dad buying UFC for the Xbox. You gave mama a fat, bloody lip the other day.
I love you more than anything. There is nothing that warms my heart more than when you lie your head on my shoulder after a long day and I sing you to sleep. You are and always will be my baby boy.
You had your first haircut today! Your hair in the front went down to your nose
You now can properly crawl, although half the time you still do your army crawl thing. You did it once a couple days ago, but today right after your haircut we set you down and you crawled all over like you'd been doing it forever.
You started pulling yourself up on your first Valentine's Day! More about that here.
Still no teeth...
You eat any food we give you. This month, the new foods you have tried include: chinese noodles, rice, cooked carrots, beets, chicken noodles, pizza crust, mashed potatoes, cooked onion, cooked broccoli (didn't really like that), real peaches (peaches just don't seem to be your fave), hard boiled egg, and cinnamon toast.
Still nursing. You have calmed back down a lot so it is easier to get you to breastfeed for longer.
You wake up around 7:15, take your first nap around 9, second nap around 1, sometimes a short nap at about 5, bed around 8. It seems like you've been waking up during the night more often again. If you have gained quite a bit at your 9 month doctor's appointment, we will probably take steps to get you to sleep more.
You've started vocalizing more. It is sooo cute. You definitely try to tell us things, but we just can't understand you yet.
You've recently taken up head-butting. I'm not sure it's not on purpose. I don't know if it had anything to do with your dad buying UFC for the Xbox. You gave mama a fat, bloody lip the other day.
I love you more than anything. There is nothing that warms my heart more than when you lie your head on my shoulder after a long day and I sing you to sleep. You are and always will be my baby boy.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Pulling up
Maximilian started pulling himself up on his first Valentine's Day. It pretty much went from him army crawling on his 6 month birthday, becoming super efficient at it around 6.5 months, around 7 months he started using his crib rail to pull on to try to look to see us when we come in the door, then on 2/13/12 he did this number:
Not quite standing, but going in the right direction.
Then, last night, AJ and I were sitting around watching TV when he excitedly army crawled over to his daddy and pretty much pulled himself right up. We then spent the next at least half an hour to try to get him to do it again. And he wouldn't. So we gave up. Then a little later...
Not quite standing, but going in the right direction.
Then, last night, AJ and I were sitting around watching TV when he excitedly army crawled over to his daddy and pretty much pulled himself right up. We then spent the next at least half an hour to try to get him to do it again. And he wouldn't. So we gave up. Then a little later...
And my heart melted, yet again. I love this boy.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
7 months
You started army crawling right around your 6 month birthday, and in the weeks since have become very adept at it. You can get across the room in like 5-10 seconds. It's crazy!
You get up on your hands and knees frequently but still don't feel the need to properly crawl since you are so good at army crawling. Sometimes you get on your hands and feet like this:
Still no teeth, but sometimes still seems like they're bothering you.
You are loving some foods, but not others. Foods that you've tried and liked are (baby) apples, pears, apple/blueberry, squash, carrots, sometimes sweet potatoes, and (whole) bananas, clementines, tomatoes, and pears. You haven't really liked peas, green beans, or peaches; but we haven't tried peaches again in a while. Otherwise, still breastfeeding probably twice during the night and 6ish? times during the day.
I am pretty sure you sometimes say "Mama"! The first time I heard it was right when I walked in the door on 1/22. Your dad disagrees, so I am hoping you say it a little more clearly so we can end the discussion! :)
You usually get up around 8AM, take a 2 hour nap at 10:30 or 11, then 1 or 2 more shorter naps in the afternoon. Bedtime is around 8PM, then you wake up twice, usually around 2 then around 5.
You still love the remote/Xbox controller/cell phone and will do anything and everything to get them. It's ridiculous, but so cute!
You will put anything in your mouth that you can get your little hands on. This combined with your new army crawling skill has caused the need for a bit better baby proofing.
You love bouncing in your Johnny Jump Up. Sometimes you'll jump out to the side and bounce back like that's totally what you meant to do.
You are definitely starting to prefer Mommy, especially when tired. I secretly love it!
Your nicknames currently include: Chubby, Chubby-Wubby, Maximo, Yung-Sun, Chubber-Pie, and Chunker.
You get up on your hands and knees frequently but still don't feel the need to properly crawl since you are so good at army crawling. Sometimes you get on your hands and feet like this:
Hands and feet! You don't know what to do from here yet, but it's so cute! |
Still no teeth, but sometimes still seems like they're bothering you.
You are loving some foods, but not others. Foods that you've tried and liked are (baby) apples, pears, apple/blueberry, squash, carrots, sometimes sweet potatoes, and (whole) bananas, clementines, tomatoes, and pears. You haven't really liked peas, green beans, or peaches; but we haven't tried peaches again in a while. Otherwise, still breastfeeding probably twice during the night and 6ish? times during the day.
I am pretty sure you sometimes say "Mama"! The first time I heard it was right when I walked in the door on 1/22. Your dad disagrees, so I am hoping you say it a little more clearly so we can end the discussion! :)
You usually get up around 8AM, take a 2 hour nap at 10:30 or 11, then 1 or 2 more shorter naps in the afternoon. Bedtime is around 8PM, then you wake up twice, usually around 2 then around 5.
You still love the remote/Xbox controller/cell phone and will do anything and everything to get them. It's ridiculous, but so cute!
You will put anything in your mouth that you can get your little hands on. This combined with your new army crawling skill has caused the need for a bit better baby proofing.
You love bouncing in your Johnny Jump Up. Sometimes you'll jump out to the side and bounce back like that's totally what you meant to do.
You are definitely starting to prefer Mommy, especially when tired. I secretly love it!
Your nicknames currently include: Chubby, Chubby-Wubby, Maximo, Yung-Sun, Chubber-Pie, and Chunker.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
6 month stats
Birth (6/27/11): 9 pounds 0.4 ounces, 21 1/4 inches, 14 1/4 inch head
1 day old (6/28): 8 pounds 10.8 ounces
2 days old (6/29): 8 pounds 5 ounces
3 days old (6/30): 8 pounds 6 1/4 ounces, 20 3/4 inches
2 weeks 1 day (7/12): 9 pounds 1 1/2 ounces, 21 1/4 inches
2 months (9w4d on 9/2): 11 pounds 14 ounces (50%), 23 5/8 inches (75%), 15 3/4 inch head circumference (40%)
4 months (11/1): 14 pounds 3/4 ounces (30%), 25 inches (50%), 16 inch head circumference (40%)
6 months (1/3/12): 15 pounds 1 1/3 ounces, 25 3/4 inches
1 day old (6/28): 8 pounds 10.8 ounces
2 days old (6/29): 8 pounds 5 ounces
3 days old (6/30): 8 pounds 6 1/4 ounces, 20 3/4 inches
2 weeks 1 day (7/12): 9 pounds 1 1/2 ounces, 21 1/4 inches
2 months (9w4d on 9/2): 11 pounds 14 ounces (50%), 23 5/8 inches (75%), 15 3/4 inch head circumference (40%)
4 months (11/1): 14 pounds 3/4 ounces (30%), 25 inches (50%), 16 inch head circumference (40%)
6 months (1/3/12): 15 pounds 1 1/3 ounces, 25 3/4 inches
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