Our breastfeeding relationship has changed quite a bit over the past nearly eight and a half months; and, naturally, so have our support tools.
A pillow. A basic, just-pulled-it-out-from-under-my-sleeping-fiancee's-head pillow. I didn't feel the need to spend the money for the Boppy or any other breastfeeding-friendly marketed pillow. And you know what, we did just fine. We used this for probably the first month or two.
Lanolin. Ohhh man, were my nipples sore and cracked the first few weeks.
People you know IRL who breastfeed/have breastfed or you know online that you can ask for advice. I was/am still in a BFing group on FB and I cannot begin to express how relieving it was to just read other women's stories when they were in the same spot as me.
Breastpads. I had an oversupply in the beginning. I leaked all the time, so I had to wear pads in my bra for about 4 months.
A breastpump. I went back to my college classes one week postpartum. I was freakin' insane. I went back to work at 9 weeks postpartum. I spent a LOT of time with my pump. Now, though, I am staying at home so I rarely ever use it.
A hands-free bra to go with your pump. I made one by cutting holes into a sports bra that hooked in the front. It was a lifesaver. Pumping is so much less daunting when you are able to do, well, anything besides pumping while you're pumping.
Freezer bags so you can build up your stash. My favorite bags are the Lansinoh ones.
A nursing sleep bra. I wouldn't need one except that if not enough pressure is my other breast while he's eating, it lets down as well.
Determination, patience, perseverance. I was very determined to breastfeed since before I even was pregnant. My perseverance came through sometime in those first few weeks when I resorted to telling myself, "Just one more feeding." And another. And another. However, my patience has needed the most work. Patience for my milk to come in. Patience for my baby to finish eating when I was utterly exhausted. Patience while I learned how to nurse in public comfortably. Patience while helping my boy to be patient for my milk to let down after he developed something of a nipple confusion. Patience while rebuilding my supply because of this confusion. Patience while my squirmy guy tries to look around the room, play with his toys, laugh at his dad while nursing. I'm always working on becoming more patient.
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