Thursday, October 28, 2010


I found out at about 1 (and 2) this morning. I had been nauseous yesterday morning so that caused me to suspect something. Last night I went to get groceries and on a whim stopped and bought 3 tests. I came home and AJ and I watched a few episodes of Nip/Tuck. It was 1:09AM when he went in to bed and I was following him when I caved and took a test. I saw the two lines popping up and I couldn't believe it! I sat there in the bathroom for a minute trying to collect myself. Then I went into the bedroom and sat on the bed next to AJ. I was kind of laughing, kind of tearing up. After a minute he said, "Are you prego?" and I said, "YES!" He immediately got this huge grin on his face, although I think he had a hard time fathoming at first. He said, "Go take another one!" LOL. I did take another, and sure enough, 2 lines of pink showed up right away!

I am so excited and very nervous hehe. I have dreamed of this for so long and it is hard to wrap my brain around that it is actually happening! I am pretty sure Baby J is to be expected in June 2011.