Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Max went pee in his potty last night!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

5 long years...

All because, on this day in 2007, 2 people played disc golf.



Fell in love.

Friday, July 13, 2012


We've been a little under the weather around this household. First, about 2-3 weeks ago I felt like I was getting a UTI. Of course, I haven't been at my job too long, so my insurance didn't kick in until July 1. I decided to just try drink bucketloads of water and cranberry juice and take over the counter Azo. This seemed to help and for a few days I thought I had flushed it out. Then, on Monday the 2nd, I started getting a backache at work. It got progressively worse over the day, and my head started hurting as well. On Tuesday the 3rd I woke up with the worst headache, back ache, and nausea I've had in a long time. I cried. That's how bad it hurt. I went through 28 hours of unmedicated labor last year without crying, and I cried. I decided it was time to go to the Urgent Care. I get 3 minutes down the road, and have to pull over and throw up. 20 minutes later, I show up at UC, tell them I have a UTI, and have to give a urine sample. I then wait 45 minutes for the doctor to come in to tell me what I already know... I have a UTI. He gives me a prescription for Bactrim and sends me on my way. I feel much better by the time I get home, thank god.
I was in normal-feeling bliss until Saturday the 7th, when I woke up with a sore throat. I don't think too much of it, until Sunday the 8th, when I wake up with really itchy hands and feet. I could no longer eat/drink anything that wasn't soft. Then, Monday, I have this red, spotty rash on my hands and feet. My fingertips looked like someone pinpricked each one about 20 times. I decide it's liveable, so I don't go back to the doctor. When I talked to my BFF, who is also a nurse, on the phone on Thursday, I mentioned my symptoms. She "diagnosed" me with hand, foot, and mouth. WTF? Seriously? I had thought only kids got it, but apparently her brother-in-law just got over it. My sore throat and rash have gone away, but my hands are still super dry and my skin feels tight.
Then, AJ called me on my way home from work yesterday to say that Max had been crying a lot all day. He had noticed a diaper rash and thought that was the cause. I started worrying that I had given whatever I had to him! I got home and looked at his tush, and of course it was red, red, red. Max and I took a nice long bath. I stripped his diaper off, then climbed into the tub by myself. He was standing next to the tub, and all of a sudden he peed all over the rug. He hasn't peed out of his diaper since he was probably 2 months old. I laughed so hard, and I think he was proud of himself because he smiled ear to ear. After getting out of the bath, getting lotioned and creamed, and reading stories with mama he seemed to be feeling better.
We haven't had a breakout of sickness of this magnitude round these parts... ever, I think. I'm so glad we are back to full force.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Family Time/Visitors from Alaska

On June 29, AJ's brother Travis and wife Micah flew in from Alaska. We hung out with them quite a bit while they were here. Halley enjoyed Uncle Travis teasing her, and Aunt Micah's attention and game playing. We think Uncle Travis taught Max how to play peek-a-boo with just his hands, because he didn't know whether to cover his own face or Max's face. We spent a lot of time at Paula's (my mother-in-law) house, since that's where they stayed. Bella has a new obsession with "baby Max" and kept trying to hug him and smother him pretty much, haha. Then, towards the end of the week, she got mad that he was playing with her toys and kept taking them from him. So funny. I got to know Travis and Micah pretty well, I think, for having never met them before. They said we need to take a trip to Alaska soon. I don't know about that... I would sometime like to go there, but there are so many other places I want to go before there.

Travis, Micah, Darren, Paula, Bella, AJ, Halley, Max, and I went out for dinner the first day

She wanted to be by him so bad! haha

Oldest brother and youngest brother

Travis, Micah, and Halley

End of the week, Max and Bella getting more okay with each other

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

12 months

You are now walking at home about 90% of the time, but still crawling mostly when outside or somewhere else. You also can now stand up from sitting without pulling up!

You still love playing peek-a-boo.

Now you can use my or daddy's finger and point to our noses and mouths and to your nose and mouth. You also stick out your tongue when asked.

You definitely know what "No" means and hate to hear it.

You say the words mama, dada, ball, and book regularly. Also, this past week you've said something that sounds like b!tch a couple times, and I think you're trying to say "Prince" (the cat's name). I think. Haha. But the first two times I heard it, Prince was walking toward you.

Speaking of Prince, you still love him and always smile at him.

You also love your sister, a whole lot. She's been here most of the summer so far, and you've definitely enjoyed it. She does all sorts of crazy jumping around and always makes you laugh.

You still love books and always are bringing one to Mama or Dada.

Recently, you've become very interested in your shape blocks and can sometimes put them in the right holes.

You are definitely shy around strangers. You'll put your head on mama or dad's shoulder if someone you don't know is close or tries to talk to you.

You give kisses when we ask for them! They are open-mouthed and slobbery, but so cute! You've also been giving hugs a lot lately.

Another "fun" thing you've been doing is taking all the clothes out of your drawers. Whenever you go to your room you'll drag more of them out.

On your birthday, we noticed that you got your 5th tooth! It's the bottom one that's to the left of the middle. You have bumps on the top on either side of the middle as well, and you've been drooling A LOT the past couple days.

You usually sleep from 8-5 or 6ish and sometimes will go back to sleep until 7 or 8. Then, you still take 2 naps during the day, and the first one can be up to 3 hours at around 9. Usually the second nap is around 3 for an hour or so.

You finally will hold your cup by yourself again. When you were like 6 months old you would hold them just fine, but for the past month or two you decided you needed someone to hold it for you. Finally, you've gotten the hang of it again.

You've been completely off bottles for a couple months now, and we weaned last month. You switched to formula like a champ, and the doctor wants you to continue getting formula for a couple months yet.