Thursday, October 27, 2011

4 months!

Eek! He's 4 months!

We have been really busy this month. The young man rolls onto his tummy from his back nearly every time you put him down. He smiles so much and also laughs! It is so cute!

You can now reach your feet to the floor in your walker. You love spinning this sphere thing that's on there.

You can pick up things! We hadn't been putting toys down on the floor with you because you were uninterested. Then, on 10/18 you were sitting with Papa in the chair and you tried to grab the remote. Since, we've put your toys in front of you and you grab and shake your rattles.

You are starting to like reading books with Mama now. Before, you didn't have very much patience, but these days (as long as you're not too tired), we can read several books and you seem to pay attention.

I don't want to jinx it, but we can usually put you down for naps or at night awake and you can put yourself to sleep. You usually go to bed for the night at 8:30, wakeup sometime between 11-2, then once more at 4-6. (AKA, you are waking up 2-3 times a night, up from once a night at 3 months). Now, we put you in your crib when you go to bed, after your first feed, and then at your second wakeup we bring you into the bed. We usually get up for the day between 8-10. Then, usually naps are at 10 or 12 depending on what time you got up, then 3, then 5ish. Mostly, you will nap for 45 minutes to an hour.

We are still breastfeeding and it's still going well. I think you sometimes get impatient when you have to wait for the milk to let down, so then you don't feed for as long during the day, and I think this has translated into your more frequent wake-ups and wanting to nurse all night long. I don't think you are ready to skip any night feedings since you don't eat too often during the day.

You met your uncle Rob and aunts/uncles/cousins from Mommy's side at your great-grandma Ruby's funeral. You did really well during the service, just looking around.

You've found your feet and grab at them frequently!

You can roll over both ways now! You would much rather be on your tummy these days, and you can scoot yourself around a bit.

You're wearing all 3-6 month clothes now.

You're still my smiley baby, and even laugh now. That melts Mama's heart. You have the sweetest little giggle.

Mama loves you more than anything in the whole entire world!

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