Tuesday, September 27, 2011

3 months old!

My baby boy is 3 months old today. I have no idea how this happened! You are the cutest little boy I've ever seen. Ever.

Mommy going back to work hasn't made you too sad, it seems. I miss you a whole lot though. Your auntie Brandi watched you for 8ish hours one Sunday while your Papa and I went with your Grandma Bielenberg and Darren on their boat. You did well, although she said you were a little whiney. Other than that, no one has babysat for more than 4 hours when Grandma Karen did back in July.

You are not hating tummy time nearly so much anymore, and you're able to hold your head and shoulders up really well. You also can get your legs under your butt and are so close crawling it seems. You just haven't figured out how to make it all work together yet.

A couple days ago you "dove" out of your swing while I was writing checks for bills. I still don't even know how you managed that. I looked at you one second, looked down the next, and heard BOOM, WAHHH!

While I was at work last night you fell asleep in your walker. Papa took a picture and it was soooo cute.

You smile so much and "talk" to us quite frequently.

Naps have been going better. We started letting you fuss a little bit before going back in to pat you and turn on your mobile and usually it only takes once if at all before you fall asleep.

At night, you usually go to sleep around 8:30. Sometimes you wake up at 11ish, sometimes you sleep until 3-4. A couple of weeks ago you slept 8:30-6:30 two nights in a row! That was amazing. I've started just bringing you into the big bed with us when you wake up. I am much more comfortable cosleeping than I used to be.

You are still a boobie baby and going strong. We have an appointment in a few days so hopefully we'll get your weight and such then.

You're wearing mostly 3-6 month sleepers, 0-3 or 3-6 month onesies and pants.

I just love you so much I can hardly stand it!

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