Sunday, September 30, 2012

15 months

Words: shoes (just started that today!), mama, dada, book, ball, bear, baby, boat, bowl, hi, and sometimes will say something like "Halley" when we ask you to. You have yet to say it without prompting, though.

Sleep: usually 8-6. You are not one for sleeping in. You are in between 1-2 naps.

Teeth: still 5 (top 2, bottom 3). You're getting better about letting me brush your teeth.

Eating: you will generally eat anything we put in front of you. We do need to work on utensil use, but I'm in no hurry! You have slowed down on your weight gain again, so we do need to up your calorie count more.

Reading: you still love your books! Grammy brought a whole bunch of books that were mine when I was little. As we go through them, it is apparent which books you enjoy and which ones you don't. If it's a book you don't like, you will push it closed after about the first page. Your favorite book right now is The Hair Book by Dr. Seuss. You bring it to us, and if we do not take it right away, you'll throw it at us. When we read your counting books, we point to each number. Now when we do this, if I don't point, you will use my finger to point at each number.

We have a magna-doodle (or doodle pro? not sure what the exact name is anymore) and you will "write" on it.

Potty: We usually set you on the potty about once a day, and you usually will go pee on it! This has created a whole new awareness of your penis. If we don't have a onesie or one piece jammies on you, you will have your hand in your diaper or pull your penis out of your diaper. One morning, I came into your room to find that you standing up with you holding your penis (outside of your diaper) and you had peed all over your crib! Ahhh the joys! :)

New actions: you started "jumping!" A couple weeks ago, I was lifting you up and down, and I said, "you're jumping!" After that, you'll walk around, stop, then stand up on your tippy toes! You'll also do it if we say "jump." You're so proud of yourself!

When Grammy was here, you started having a bigger interest in pop/water bottles. You will unscrew the cap, then screw it back on. You get upset if you screw it on too tight to where you can't loosen it again.

Something you've been doing for a while now (much to your mother's displeasure) is going into your room and pulling every. single. item. of clothing out of your drawers.

The cutest thing: you will get your bear that Halley gave you or my old teddy bear and will hug the bear! Then you will bring the bear to me to hug, then you hug me and the bear. You are such a little lover boy. You will also get one of your sister's baby dolls and hug the baby or bring the "baybaybaybayby" to me.

You have been really into your blocks the past couple weeks, and now will put them into the right shaped holes! You will spend at least 15 minutes at a time doing this.

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