Friday, April 27, 2012

10 months!

Aaaah! Maximilian, you are 10 months old, somehow!
You got your second tooth on 4/22! So now you have your front bottom right and your front top right. Your front left top and bottom look like they'll be popping through soon, as well.

We went on vacation with Grammy and Aunt Mary Ann to visit Aunt Catherine in Texas. I need to write a post about that. We went through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Your naps have been really wonky since returning from said vacation. You dropped the morning nap. We are lucky if you take 2-20 minute naps. You are definitely cranky by bedtime but we don't want you getting up any earlier in the morning. We are not sure what to do. You're also still waking up twice a night. We are hoping at your next appointment you will have gained a lot more so we can take steps to cut down on night time feedings.

Another new thing you've been doing is bringing us things and putting them in our hands if we ask you to. Also, you can now wave! You started doing that on vacation, along with intentionally playing peek-a-boo. And you have started clapping! It's so cute!

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