Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bug bites and other news

I've been bitten by the baby bug. Oh, no! The boy is not even 10 months old yet and I am starting to fantasize about another baby. Eek! For the first few months after birth, I did not think I would ever want another baby. Then, I started thinking that eventually I would probably want to give the boy a younger sibling. For the past month I have gotten increasingly anxious to have another. I'm not running to the doctor to have my IUD taken out or anything, but I'm dreaming about it.
AJ had said that he was done shortly after the boy was born. However, when we moved (like a month ago) he told me that I didn't need to save all of Max's baby clothes; that we could get more when we get pregnant again. So I think he knows we are going to have another.
I am not quite ready right this minute to get pregnant again. I am trying to lose weight so I will be in better shape, and I mean to work out, eat better, and in general take better care of myself this pregnancy. I do want to have a 3 year or less gap between Max and theoretical sibling, though.

In other news, I have interviewed for 2 LPN jobs, and have a third interview on Friday. For the two so far, #1 is about 35 minutes away, but seems like a good work setting. #2 is only 15 minutes away, but does not seem as welcoming and the interview didn't seem to go as well. I am supposed to hear about #1 by Friday, but #2 said next week they will call 2 people for a second interview. I am pretty sure I will be offered #1, but not nearly so confident in #2. Like AJ said, we can always move. We are renting and in a month-to-month lease so it's not like we're tied down to this town. I am pretty set on taking #1.

After accepting a position, I will have to see what kind of short term disability options and how long I have to wait for health insurance, etc. I am assuming I'd have to wait at least 3 months for insurance and I'd have to have worked there a year when the baby was born for FMLA and short term disability. I pretty much got screwed out of STD at my last job, so I am dead set on getting it this time. I want to be able to take the full 12 weeks off work.

Last time, I had been off birth control for almost 2 years, with 6 months when we were preventing in the middle. I had at least 3 anovulatory cycles, which lasted 86, 81, and 60 days. I had  6 ovulatory cycles while we weren't preventing. 1 with not ideal timing, 2-3 with decent timing, and 2-3 with good timing. I am really hoping that it doesn't take as long this time and my body cooperates better and ovulates more regularly. This is another reason I am trying to work out and eat more healthily.

I am excited to get pregnant, but I want us to finally get married first. Which would be fine... if I fit into my dress. You see, I bought my dress the month before I got pregnant. Like a dummy. So now I also need to slim down in order to fit in my dress in order to get married.

Sorry for the jumble of random thoughts. These have been floating around in my mind for a while now so I just wanted to get them out.

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